"Put your elbow up tight.
Take a step with the right.
Tilt your head to the side.
Smile real, real wide."
Leo Strut!
'Inception' may have been Leonardo DiCaprio's crowning achievement of the summer, but a candid photo of the grinning actor snapped on the set of that movie is the real must-see of autumn.
In the original photograph, Leo's doing nothing more extraordinary than taking a step forward during a break in filming, but something about his unusually jaunty, carefee air has inspired a wave of seriously silly Photoshopping -- with all the fun being cataloged on the "F*** Yeah Strutting Leo" tumblr and a "Strutting Leo" Facebook page.
And now, the Oscar winner is the muse of his very own dance craze. If you haven't yet learned how to do the Leo Strut, pay close attention: